
By: Orson Scott Card

On Lusitania, Ender found a world where humans and pequininos and the Hive Queen could all live together; where three very different intelligent species could find common ground at last. Or so he thought.

Auuster's Takeaway

The third installment to the Ender series is a continuation of Ender living in Lusitania. Here all his secrets come into the light: his reinstalment of the hive queen, the descolada exposed to the whole universe, his acquaintance with Jane, his inner desire for his younger version of his sister and his older brother.

In this story, many things are happening at once as the human universe is bringing in a bomb to destroy the culture leak of humans on Lusitania causing Xenocide. It also can contain the Descolada virus, but the humans don’t know that yet. Jane the computer program, delays this program and enlists help from another world to solve their problems. The problems being: 1. Cure for the descolada, 2. Faster than light travel.

There are parts I liked and disliked about this story. Starting with my dislike of the re-introduction of Peter Wiggin into the storyline. I did like the rest of the story, how the family had to solve their difference to come together and work together to solve all these problem. Looking forward to the next book.